Saturday, December 11, 2010


So. Thus far I've shared this blog with one person, and she's my only follower to date. Hurray for one follower! Without prompting, Lew starting spewing out blogs she likes to read and like me--does not purchase from--because she too subscribes to the "stuff we like, but cannot afford to buy" category.

In fact, this is a good time to give Lew a little credit for the title of my blog. Pretty sure she got me hooked on using the word "stuff" (much to my dismay when it slips out at inappropriate times). I believe Lew has coined the phrase "stuff and stuff," which I enjoy very, very much and may use in future posts.

Here is my favorite pick of Lew's. Marquee Style Letters from ReadyMade.

Another one of Lew's selections and one of my favorite Chicago hunting grounds, Salvage One--60,000 sf of rescued objects like this lamp I loved and photographed over Thanksgiving. Oh, and you can get married there too. It was a little like walking into heaven when I stumbled upon a wedding being set up on the fourth floor. If the two teasers below intrigue you enough, take a peek at the wedding gallery and prepare to want to run to the alter. Lew, my sincere apologies for mixing wedding conversation into your special blog post. Had to be done.

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